It's very simple: The organization charges a flat fee of $45 per hour for its various services rendered. (This fee is between $10-$30 LESS per hour than other area service providers!)

Monies raised go directly to provide services to help empower young adults with disabilities. (Please check out our website at www.allaboutabilities.org to see such services offered) A donation of $100 provides more than two (2) hours of services whereby the organization can work with an individual at no cost to that individual, their family or their school district. A $1,000 contribution provides more than 22 hours of time to work with someone in need.

Unlike many 501 (c)(3) nonprofits, we do not accept donations and then use that money to pay expensive fees to have celebrities appear at our events or speak at conferences, we do not use donations to buy or rent office space, equipment or company cars. We do not use donations to buy expensive dinners for community VIPs or pay for annual outings for our employees. We directly apply our funds raised to work directly with our young adults with disabilities. That's it!